The sixth of 7 children, Trish always wanted to be a fashion designer and spent her early years watching her mom sew bridesmaid dresses for the neighbourhood gals. These formative bridezilla experiences made Trish never want to get married, and by 17 she had flown the coop and was off to see the world- first to Saskatchewan, and then to Amsterdam and all over Canada, finally settling in Victoria.
1996: young, determined, and a little short on rent, Trish whipped up some silk-screened silk scarves to sell at a local market. (Do you have one of these rare pieces? Trish still wears hers.) They were a hit... and the rest is history!
Here are a few of her favourite things:
Trish hates and fears silverfish, the though of being buried alive, and creepy snakes: "I think they are beautiful and quite remarkable little creatures but they can just Fuck Off and stay away from me.
Hey Trish, what's your most marked characteristic? (Now we're getting all Proust Questionnaire-y) "Physically? it must be my lovely nose. Personality? it would be my sarcasm probably. You can take the girl out of Southern Ontario but her bad sense of humour will follower wherever she goes."
A few Trish recommendations:
To read: Migrations by Charlotte McConaghy
"It's so good, I highly recommend it. It's set in the near future, when the seas have been over-fished and the birds are nearly extinct. It's a cautionary tale about climate change with a cast of interesting characters. Great story telling."
To podcast: "I listen to podcasts a lot. Right now on heavy rotation is Stuff You Should Know and Ologies to fill my brain with interesting bits of knowledge. That's Messed Up: An SVU Podcast for a healthy amount of trash. I love 4 or 6 part series on investigative journalism. I love plant podcasts and On the Ledge with Jane Perrone is one of my favourites. And the for my pop I love The Q Interview with Tom Power, he really is one on the best interviewers."
To binge-watch: "Midsomer Murders - the best! Vera - runner up."
Love ya, Trish! -Lucy